The CERT Coordination Center publishes incident notes to provide information
about incidents to the Internet community.
Advanced Scanning</h2>

Tuesday, September 29, 1998<p>

We have received reports of two scanning techniques being used by intruders to
map networks and identify systems:<p>
<li>"Stealth" scanning</li>
<li>Scanning to identify system or network architecture</li>

In addition to the reports we have received, the Dahlgren Division of the
Naval Surface Warfare Center
 has published information indicating that
multiple intruders may be using
 these attacks in a coordinated effort. This
information is available at

<p><a href=""></a>
<h3>Stealth Scanning</h3>

The "stealth" scans appear to have a common goal: to gather information about
target sites while avoiding detection by using techniques that might be
overlooked by intrusion detection systems and system administrators. These
techniques include<p>
<b><li>Inverse Mapping</li></b>
<br/>In an 'Inverse Mapping' scan, intruders send packets that normally would
go unnoticed or cause no unusual behavior to a list of addresses.  For hosts
that do not exist, however, routers will return an ICMP <i>host
unreachable</i> message. By determining what hosts <i>do not</i> exist, an
intruder can infer what hosts <i>do</i> exist, and so gain information about
the structure of your network.

<p>Any packet type can be used to generate the ICMP <i>host unreachable</i>
message, but we have received reports that intruders are actively using RESET
packets, SYN-ACK packets, and DNS response packets for which no query was ever
<b><li>Slow Scans</li></b>
<br/>In a "slow scan" intruders scan the network at a slow rate that is
likely to avoid detection. These types of scans are difficult to detect
automatically, because you must maintain a history of all the packets you've
received in order to detect new packets that may be related to old traffic.

<h3>Scanning to Identify System or Network Architecture</h3>

Intruders have also employed scanning techniques to identify the operating
system used by a particular host, or to determine information about the
structure of the target network. A tool recently released, called <i>queso</i>,
relies on the variations in response to unexpected packets to determine
the operating system of a particular host.<p>

That is, <i>queso</i> sends unexpected packets to a host and examines the
response. Because the packets are unexpected, there is no standard response,
and so each operating system is free to respond in a unique way. By examining
the responses to these unexpected packets, <i>queso</i> can determine the
kinds of operating systems and TCP/IP stacks installed on your network. This
information can be used by an intruder to optimize attacks on your network, or
to identify sets of machines with particular vulnerabilities.

<p>This is similar in effect to the scans described in

<p><a href=""></a>
<p>except that <i>queso</i> recognizes a variety of operating systems, whereas
the scans described in Incident Note 98.01 recognized only IRIX.

<p>The following excerpt from tcpdump shows a queso probe against a machine
running Solaris 2.5.1. (Information in boldface type indicates the target
system's first response packet.)

<p><tt>server.24728 &gt; S 1119794168:1119794168(0)
win 4660</tt>
<br/><b><tt> &gt; server.24728: S 442322772:442322772(0)
ack 1119794169 win 9112 &lt;mss 536&gt; (DF)</tt></b>
<br/><tt>server.24728 &gt; R 1119794169:1119794169(0)
win 0</tt>
<br/><tt>server.24729 &gt; S 1119794168:1119794168(0)
ack 0 win 4660</tt>
<br/><tt> &gt; server.24729: R 0:0(0)
win 0 (DF)</tt>
<br/><tt>server.24730 &gt; F 1119794168:1119794168(0)
win 4660</tt>
<br/><tt>server.24731 &gt; F 1119794168:1119794168(0)
ack 0 win 4660</tt>
<br/><tt> &gt; server.24731: R 0:0(0)
win 0 (DF)</tt>
<br/><tt>server.24732 &gt; SF 1119794168:1119794168(0)
win 4660</tt>
<br/><tt> &gt; server.24732: S 442455494:442455494(0)
ack 1119794169 win 9112 &lt;mss 536&gt; (DF)</tt>
<br/><tt>server.24732 &gt; R 1119794169:1119794169(0)
win 0</tt>
<br/><tt>server.24733 &gt; P win 4660</tt>
<br/><tt>server.24734 &gt; S 1119794168:1119794168(0)
win 4660</tt>
<br/><tt> &gt; server.24734: S 442581319:442581319(0)
ack 1119794169 win 9112 &lt;mss 536&gt; (DF)</tt>
<br/><tt>server.24734 &gt; R 1119794169:1119794169(0)
win 0</tt>
<p>The following excerpt, also from tcpdump, shows a <i>queso</i> probe
against a machine running NT Workstation 4.0:

<p><tt>server.5856 &gt; ntwork1.nt.local.netbios-ssn: S 1276897729:1276897729(0)
win 4660</tt>
<br/><b><tt>ntwork1.nt.local.netbios-ssn &gt; server.5856: S 285465669:285465669(0)
ack 1276897730 win 8576 &lt;mss 1460&gt; (DF)</tt></b>
<br/><tt>server.5856 &gt; ntwork1.nt.local.netbios-ssn: R 1276897730:1276897730(0)
win 0</tt>
<br/><tt>server.5857 &gt; ntwork1.nt.local.netbios-ssn: S 1276897729:1276897729(0)
ack 0 win 4660</tt>
<br/><tt>ntwork1.nt.local.netbios-ssn &gt; server.5857: R 0:0(0) win 0</tt>
<br/><tt>server.5858 &gt; ntwork1.nt.local.netbios-ssn: F 1276897729:1276897729(0)
win 4660</tt>
<br/><tt>ntwork1.nt.local.netbios-ssn &gt; server.5858: R 0:0(0) ack 1276897730
win 0</tt>
<br/><tt>server.5859 &gt; ntwork1.nt.local.netbios-ssn: F 1276897729:1276897729(0)
ack 0 win 4660</tt>
<br/><tt>ntwork1.nt.local.netbios-ssn &gt; server.5859: R 0:0(0) win 0</tt>
<br/><tt>server.5860 &gt; ntwork1.nt.local.netbios-ssn: SF 1276897729:1276897729(0)
win 4660</tt>
<br/><tt>ntwork1.nt.local.netbios-ssn &gt; server.5860: S 285465749:285465749(0)
ack 1276897730 win 8576 &lt;mss 1460&gt; (DF)</tt>
<br/><tt>server.5860 &gt; ntwork1.nt.local.netbios-ssn: R 1276897730:1276897730(0)
win 0</tt>
<br/><tt>server.5861 &gt; ntwork1.nt.local.netbios-ssn: P win 4660</tt>
<br/><tt>ntwork1.nt.local.netbios-ssn &gt; server.5861: R 0:0(0) ack 1276897729
win 0</tt>
<br/><tt>server.5862 &gt; ntwork1.nt.local.netbios-ssn: S 1276897729:1276897729(0)
win 4660</tt>
<br/><tt>ntwork1.nt.local.netbios-ssn &gt; server.5862: S 285465789:285465789(0)
ack 1276897730 win 8576 &lt;mss 1460&gt; (DF)</tt>
<br/><tt>server.5862 &gt; ntwork1.nt.local.netbios-ssn: R 1276897730:1276897730(0)
win 0</tt>
<p>Note that the responses of the two operating systems differ as early as the
first response packet (highlighted above). By comparing these differences to a
dictionary of known response characteristics, <i>queso</i> is often able to
determine the type of operating system employed by the target machine.  Users
can also extend <i>queso</i> to distinguish other kinds of operating systems,
or other devices that will respond to TCP/IP packets.<p>

We have received reports of incidents in which intruders have launched
coordinated scans that may have been used to discover information about the
structure of the target network. By launching similar scans from two or more
distinct networks against a single target network, and then comparing the different
responses, intruders may be able to infer information about the structure of
the target network. By using two or more networks to launch a scan against a
third network, an intruder can

<li>Discover alternate routes into your network</li>
<li>Infer aspects of the topology of your network</li>
<li>Increase the bandwidth available to launch a <a href="">denial of service</a> attack</li>
<li>Reduce the likelihood of detection</li>

Intruders are using a variety of techniques to gain information about networks
and systems on those networks. Intruders can use this information to tailor
their attacks to target networks or to find a set of machines that share a
certain vulnerability.<p>

Intruders have recently used a number of very large-scale scans
of the Internet looking for certain vulnerabilities, such as those discussed in<p>
<a href=""></a><p>

The ability to determine the types of operating systems in use helps intruders
to focus their attacks on certain types of machines, or to modify their
attacks to suit the target.<p>

Do not presume that the topology of your network, the operating systems in
use, the products used to connect to the Internet, and other externally
visible characteristics are a secret. When you evaluate the security of your
network, remember that this information can be discovered by intruders who can
use it to their advantage.<p>

Our thanks to Stephen Northcutt of the <a href="">Naval Surface Warfare Center</a> for his
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<p>Copyright 1998 Carnegie Mellon University.</p>