Original issue date: July 9, 1996<BR>
Last revised: September 24, 1997<BR>
Updated copyright statement

<P>A complete revision history is at the end of this file.

<P>The CERT Coordination Center has received several reports of exploitations
of a vulnerability in the dip program on Linux systems. The dip program
is shipped with most versions of the Linux system; and versions up to and
including version 3.3.7n are vulnerable. An exploitation script for Linux
running on X86-based hardware is publicly available. Although exploitation
scripts for other architectures and operating systems have not yet been
found, we believe that they could be easily developed.

<P>The CERT Coordination Center recommends that you disable dip and re-enable
it only after you have installed a new version. Section III below describes
how to do that.

<P>We will update this advisory as we receive additional information. Please
check advisory files regularly for updates that relate to your site.

<H2>I. Description</H2>
dip is a freely available program that is included in most distributions
of Linux. It is possible to build it for and use it on other UNIX systems.

<P>The dip program manages the connections needed for dial-up links such
as SLIP and PPP. It can handle both incoming and outgoing connections.
To gain access to resources it needs to establish these IP connections,
the dip program must be installed as set-user-id root.

<P>A vulnerability in dip makes it possible to overflow an internal buffer
whose value is under the control of the user of the dip program. If this
buffer is overflowed with the appropriate data, a program such as a shell
can be started. This program then runs with root permissions on the local

<P>Exploitation scripts for dip have been found running on Linux systems
for X86 hardware. Although exploitation scripts for other architectures
and operating systems have not yet been found, we believe that they could
be easily developed.
<H2>II. Impact</H2>
On a system that has dip installed as set-user-id root, anyone with access
to an account on that system can gain root access.
<H2>III. Solution</H2>
Follow the steps in Section A to disable your currently installed version
of dip. Then, if you need the functionality that dip provides, follow the
steps given in Section B.
<H3>A. Disable the presently installed version of dip.</H3>
As root,
<UL>chmod 0755 /usr/sbin/dip</UL>
By default, dip is installed in the /usr/sbin directory. Note that it may
be installed elsewhere on your system.
<H3>B. Install a new version of dip.</H3>
If you need the functionality that dip provides, retrieve and install the
following version of the source code for dip, which fixes this vulnerability.
dip is available from<A HREF="ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/system/Network/serial/dip/dip337o-uri.tgz"></A>

<P><A HREF="ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/system/Network/serial/dip/dip337o-uri.tgz">ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/system/Network/serial/dip/dip337o-uri.tgz</A>
<BR><A HREF="ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/system/Network/serial/dip/dip337o-uri.tgz.sig">ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/system/Network/serial/dip/dip337o-uri.tgz.sig</A>

<TR><TD>MD5</TD><TD> (dip337o-uri.tgz) =
<TR><TD> SHash</TD><TD> (dip337o-uri.tgz)
= 6e3848b9b5f9d5b308bbac104eaf858be4dc51dc</TD></TR></TABLE>

<BR>The CERT Coordination Center staff thanks Uri Blumenthal for his solution
to the problem and Linux for their support in the development of this advisory.


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<P>Copyright 1996 Carnegie Mellon University.</P>


Revision History
Sep. 24, 1997 Updated copyright statement
Aug. 30, 1996 Removed references to CA-96.13.README.