Get an account

Everyone involved in the coordinated vulnerability disclosure process will want a VINCE account. Obtaining a VINCE account is easy!  Visit our web page and get started.

Creating an account

  1. Navigate to our VINCE page
  2. Click on "Create an Account"
  3. Complete the VINCE form
  4. Watch for an email response granting your access.

Completing the VINCE form

  1. Enter a valid email address which you can access.
  2. Create a New Password with these requirements:
    1. minimum length is 8 characters
    2. Requires at least 1 number
    3. Requires at least 1 special character ("+" and "=" don't count)
    4. Requires uppercase letters
    5. Requires lowercase letters
  3. Password confirmation
  4. Preferred Display Name
    Note: this name is visible to other VINCE users. It may only contain 1 space and may not contain special characters.
  5. First name
  6. Last name
  7. Company/Affiliation
  8. Job Title
  9. Click the box to agree to the terms of service.
  10. Click on Sign up

Next steps

2FA required

Recover/reset account

Want to be anonymous? See FAQ, can report without creating account.

For vendors

Creating a vendor

Add user to vendor

Vendor administrator

screenshots for these too?