The VINCE API is a work in progress. Please provide feedback through VINCE or GitHub.


  1. Log in to VINCE.
  2. Go to your User Profile.
  3. Scroll down to "Generate API Key".
  4. Copy they API key to a safe place, you will not be able to access it again. If lost, you need to regenerate a new one.
  5. Use the API key in the headers of your request as shown below.

headers={'Authorization': "Token {}".format(token)}

Code Examples

List groups (organizations) you belong to

# get information about organizations you belong to:
api = ''
headers={'Authorization': "Token {}".format(token) }
r = requests.get(api, headers=headers, stream=True)
API: /vince/comm/api/vendor #get information about vendors you belong to
[   {   'emails': [''],
        'id': 3548,
        'users': ['vince.user'],
        'vendor_name': 'VendorCorp'},
    {   'emails': [''],
        'id': 3551,
        'users': ['vince.user'],
        'vendor_name': 'Testing Co'},
    {   'emails': ['', ''],
        'id': 3549,
        'users': ['vince.user', 'Vince User'],
        'vendor_name': 'Testing Vendor'}]

List cases you are participating in

# get a list of your cases
headers={'Authorization': "Token {}".format(token)}
api = ''
r = requests.get(api, headers=headers, stream=True)
API: /vince/comm/api/cases # get a list of cases involved in
[   {   'created': '2020-06-11T18:51:48.204903Z',
        'due_date': None,
        'status': 'Active',
        'summary': 'test',
        'title': 'test',
        'vuid': '782161'},
    {   'created': '2020-04-28T19:48:50.216317Z',
        'due_date': '2018-07-23T14:20:09Z',
        'status': 'Inactive',
        'summary': 'TechSmash firmware or operating system software drivers '
                   'may not sufficiently validate elliptic curve parameters '
                   'used to generate public keys during a Diffie-Hellman key '
                   'exchange, which may allow a remote attacker to obtain the '
                   'encryption key used by the device',
        'title': 'TechSmash implementations may not sufficiently validate '
                 'elliptic curve parameters during Diffie-Hellman key exchange',
        'vuid': '3123125'}]

Get case metadata

# get information about VU#701852
api = ''
r = requests.get(api, headers=headers, stream=True)
API: vince/comm/api/case/701852/ # get information about a specific case
{   'created': '2020-06-11T18:51:48.204903Z',
    'due_date': None,
    'status': 'Active',
    'summary': 'test',
    'title': 'test',
    'vuid': '785701'}

Get message posts for case

# get all posts for case VU#701852
api = ''
r = requests.get(api, headers=headers, stream=True)
API: vince/comm/api/case/701852/posts/ # get all posts for a specific case
[   {   'author': 'vince.user',
        'content': 'The [draft vulnerability '
                   'note](http://localhost:8000/vince/comm/case/18/notedraft/) '
                   'has been updated.',
        'created': '2020-11-17T19:13:07.866230Z',
        'pinned': True},
    {   'author': 'vince.user',
        'content': 'Please [view this draft vulnerability '
        'created': '2020-11-17T19:07:56.624450Z',
        'pinned': True},
    {   'author': 'vince.user',
        'content': 'test 2',
        'created': '2020-10-29T19:49:33.422875Z',
        'pinned': False},
    {   'author': 'vince.user',
        'content': 'test 1',
        'created': '2020-10-29T19:49:30.434164Z',
        'pinned': False}]

Get original report for case

# get the original report for VU#701852
api = ''
r = requests.get(api, headers=headers, stream=True)
API: /vince/comm/case/701582/report/ # get report for a specific case
{   'contact_email': '',
    'contact_name': 'Joe Bob',
    'contact_org': 'VendorExample',
    'contact_phone': '5551231234',
    'date_submitted': '2020-06-08T20:01:47.896419Z',
    'disclosure_plans': '',
    'exploit_references': '',
    'product_name': 'test',
    'product_version': 'v. 12.3',
    'public_references': '',
    'share_release': True,
    'vendor_name': 'Test Vendor',
    'vul_description': 'This is the description',
    'vul_disclose': True,
    'vul_discovery': 'This is the discovery.',
    'vul_exploit': 'This is the exploit',
    'vul_exploited': True,
    'vul_impact': 'This is the impact',
    'vul_public': True}

List vulnerabilities for case

# get the vuls for VU#701852
api = ''
r = requests.get(api, headers=headers, stream=True)
API: /vince/comm/case/701582/vuls/ # get vuls for a specific case
[   {   'cve': None,
        'date_added': '2020-11-19T21:43:17.210726Z',
        'description': 'This is another vul without a cve.',
        'name': 'VU#785701.2'},
    {   'cve': '2020-19293',
        'date_added': '2020-10-22T15:30:11.888074Z',
        'description': 'Test this is a vul.',
        'name': 'CVE-2020-19293'}]

List vendors for case

# get all the vendors involved in VU#701582 (also gets their status and statements)
api = ''
r = requests.get(api, headers=headers, stream=True)
API: /vince/comm/case/701582/vendors/ # get vendors for a specific case
[   {   'cert_addendum': None,
        'date_added': '2020-11-20T14:40:24.080886Z',
        'references': '\n',
        'statement': 'Test',
        'statement_date': '2020-11-23T19:50:44.813809Z',
        'status': 'Unknown',
        'vendor': 'VendorCorp'},
    {   'cert_addendum': None,
        'date_added': '2020-10-08T18:27:41.526942Z',
        'references': '\n',
        'statement': 'Test',
        'statement_date': '2020-11-19T21:26:32.399730Z',
        'status': 'Affected',
        'vendor': 'Testing Co'}]

List vendors including status and statement for each vulnerability

# get all the vendors and their status/statement/references for each specific vul
api = f''
headers={'content-type':'application/json', 'Authorization': "Token {}".format(token) }
r = requests.get(api, headers=headers, stream=True)
API: /vince/comm/case/701582/vendors/vuls/ # get vendors status for specific vuls
[   {   'references': '\n',
        'statement': 'Test',
        'statement_date': '2020-11-19T21:47:44.239683Z',
        'status': 'Affected',
        'vendor': 'Testing Co',
        'vulnerability': 'VU#785701.2'},
    {   'references': '\n',
        'statement': 'This is my statement',
        'statement_date': '2020-10-22T15:38:11.859615Z',
        'status': 'Not Affected',
        'vendor': 'Testing Co',
        'vulnerability': 'CVE-2020-19293'},
    {   'references': '',
        'statement': '',
        'statement_date': '2020-11-20T15:23:18.997947Z',
        'status': 'Unknown',
        'vendor': 'VendorCorp',
        'vulnerability': 'VU#785701.2'},
    {   'references': '',
        'statement': '',
        'statement_date': '2020-11-20T15:23:18.938232Z',
        'status': 'Unknown',
        'vendor': 'VendorCorp',
        'vulnerability': 'CVE-2020-19293'}]

Get Vulnerability Note text (if it exists)

# get the vulnerability note, if available
api = f''
headers={'content-type':'application/json', 'Authorization': "Token {}".format(token) }
r = requests.get(api, headers=headers, stream=True)
#API: /vince/comm/api/case/710582/note/ # get draft vul note
{   'content': '### Overview\r\n'
               'Testing API so need some content.\r\n'
               '### Description\r\n'
               '### Impact\r\n'
               'The complete impact of this vulnerability is not yet known.\r\n'
               '### Solution\r\n'
               'The CERT/CC is currently unaware of a practical solution to '
               'this problem.\r\n'
               '### Acknowledgements\r\n'
               'Thanks to the reporter who wishes to remain anonymous.\r\n'
               'This document was written by Emily Sarneso.',
    'datefirstpublished': None,
    'dateupdated': '2020-11-17T19:13:07.755453Z',
    'published': False,
    'references': ['', ''],
    'revision': 2,
    'title': 'test',
    'vuid': '785701'}

Update vendor status

#update vendor status
api = f'{case}/vendor/statement/'
data = [{'vendor': 3548, 
	'status':'Not Affected', 
	'references':["", ""], 
	'statement': 'This is my statement'}, 
	{'vendor': 3548, 
r =, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data))
#update vendor status
api = f'{case}/vendor/statement/'
data = [{'vendor': 3548,   # vendor ID only required if user belongs to multiple vendors in a case
	'status':'Not Affected',  # required: ['Affected', 'Not Affected', 'Unknown']
	'references':["", ""],  # not required, must be a list 
	'share':True, # not required, default = False
	'vulnerability':'CVE-2020-19293', # required - must be in the form 'CVE-xxxx-xxxxx' or 'VU#xxxxxx.n'
	'statement': 'This is my statement'}]  # not required 

Look up CVE IDs (must have access to case)

# lookup CVE-2021-55555 - must have access to case otherwise 404 
api = f'' 
headers={'content-type':'application/json', 'Authorization': "Token {}".format(token) } 
r = requests.get(api, headers=headers, stream=True) 
API: CVE Lookup:

{   'case': {   'created': '2020-03-11T18:56:14.975973Z',
                'due_date': '2020-03-25T0000Z',
                'status': 'Active',
                'summary': 'This is a summary',
                'title': 'This is a title',
                'vuid': '123456'},
    'note': 'NOT Public',
    'vendors': [ {   'references': '',
                       'statement': '',
                       'statement_date': '2020-11-20T11:05:07.603524Z',
                       'status': 'Unknown',
                       'vendor': 'Test Vendor',
                       'vulnerability': 'CVE-2021-55555'}],
    'vulnerability': {   'cve': '2021-55555',
                         'date_added': '2020-03-11T20:37:51.629151Z',
                         'description': 'This is a description of the vulnerability',
                         'name': 'CVE-2021-55555'}}