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The information below should be handled as (choose one):
Vulnerability Information |
Software/Product(s) containing the vulnerability: |
Vulnerability Description: |
How may an attacker exploit this vulnerability? (Proof of Concept) |
What is the impact of exploiting this vulnerability? (What does an attacker gain that the attacker didn't have before?) |
How did you find the vulnerability? (Be specific about tools and versions you used.) |
When did you find the vulnerability? |
Disclosure Plans |
I have already reported this vulnerability to the following vendors and organizations: |
Is this vulnerability being publicly discussed? YES/NO If yes then provide URL. |
Is there evidence that this vulnerability is being actively exploited? YES/NO If yes, then provide URL/evidence. |
I plan to publicly disclose this vulnerability YES/NO |
...on this date: (Please include your time zone.) | this URL: |
Reporter Contact Information |
Name: |
Organization: |
Email: |
PGP Public Key (ASCII Armored or a URL): |
Telephone: |
May we provide your contact information to third parties? YES/NO |
Do you want to be publicly acknowledged in a disclosure? YES/NO |
Additional Information |
Vendor Tracking ID, CERT Tracking ID, or CVE ID if known: |
Additional Comments: |