Versions Compared


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After configuring BFF to correctly (and effectively) run your target application, you should eventually see some crashing test cases. For example, here is output from a brief fuzzing campaign against a target application:


Code Block
0x2cb0f334.0x4bb3d30a - Exploitability rank: 10
exception 0: ExceptionHandlerCorrupted accessing 0x00130000
0040eaec f3a5            rep movs dword ptr es:[edi],dword ptr [esi]
Code executing in: image00400000
exception 1: ReadAVonIP accessing 0x6e4e99dd   *** Byte pattern is in fuzzed file! ***
6e4e99dd ??              ???
Instruction pointer is not in a loaded module!
exception 2: ReadAVonIP accessing 0x6e4e99dd   *** Byte pattern is in fuzzed file! ***
6e4e99dd ??              ???
Instruction pointer is not in a loaded module!
exception 3: ReadAVonIP accessing 0x6e4e99dd   *** Byte pattern is in fuzzed file! ***
6e4e99dd ??              ???
Instruction pointer is not in a loaded module!
exception 4: ReadAVonIP accessing 0x6e4e99dd   *** Byte pattern is in fuzzed file! ***
6e4e99dd ??              ???
Instruction pointer is not in a loaded module!
exception 5: ReadAVonIP accessing 0x6e4e99dd   *** Byte pattern is in fuzzed file! ***
6e4e99dd ??              ???
Instruction pointer is not in a loaded module!
exception 6: ReadAVonIP accessing 0x6e4e99dd   *** Byte pattern is in fuzzed file! ***
6e4e99dd ??              ???
Instruction pointer is not in a loaded module!



BFF includes the ability to perform string minimization during fuzzing. For every unique crash encountered, instead of minimizing the crashing testcase to the seed file, BFF will minimize the crashing testcase to a string of ASCII 'x' characters. The option is enabled with the following configuration item in bff.yaml:

Code Block
    minimize: string


BFF also has an option to treat unique EFAs as unique crashes. On the Windows platform, this is done by simply appending the EFA pattern onto the !exploitable crash hash. For example, in the crash at the beginning of this page, the crash hash of 0x2cb0f334.0x4bb3d30a will be reported as 0x2cb0f334.0x4bb3d30a.6e4e99dd if the following option is set:

Code Block
    keep_unique_faddr: True


When testing out fuzzing strategies, it can be effective to target old software. The assumption here is that older software is more likely to crash when fuzzed. This assumption turns out to be quite true:


Code Block
0x2cb0f334.0x4bb3d30a - Exploitability rank: 10
exception 0: ExceptionHandlerCorrupted accessing 0x00130000
0040eaec f3a5            rep movs dword ptr es:[edi],dword ptr [esi]
Code executing in: image00400000
exception 1: ReadAVonIP accessing 0x6e4e99dd   *** Byte pattern is in fuzzed file! ***
6e4e99dd ??              ???
Instruction pointer is not in a loaded module!
exception 2: ReadAVonIP accessing 0x6e4e99dd   *** Byte pattern is in fuzzed file! ***
6e4e99dd ??              ???
Instruction pointer is not in a loaded module!
exception 3: ReadAVonIP accessing 0x6e4e99dd   *** Byte pattern is in fuzzed file! ***
6e4e99dd ??              ???
Instruction pointer is not in a loaded module!
exception 4: ReadAVonIP accessing 0x6e4e99dd   *** Byte pattern is in fuzzed file! ***
6e4e99dd ??              ???
Instruction pointer is not in a loaded module!
exception 5: ReadAVonIP accessing 0x6e4e99dd   *** Byte pattern is in fuzzed file! ***
6e4e99dd ??              ???
Instruction pointer is not in a loaded module!
exception 6: ReadAVonIP accessing 0x6e4e99dd   *** Byte pattern is in fuzzed file! ***
6e4e99dd ??              ???
Instruction pointer is not in a loaded module!


This looks quite promising! The first thing we will do is take this crash and do a Metasploit string minimization on it:


Code Block
 C:\BFF>tools\ -s -k -f 


After this is done, we will have a number of files in the minimizer_out directory. The one I'm interested in has -min-mtsp appended to the file name. We can run tools\ to reproduce the crash:


Code Block
 -p immunitydebugger


Assuming that immunitydebugger.exe is in our PATH, this will reproduce the newly-string-minimized crash in Immunity Debugger:


Other old target that I looked at was FastStone MaxView 1.6. After a short amount of fuzzing, this crash came up:


Code Block
0x3eda38dc.0x5ce6d1f9.0x00cc0000_0x3eda38dc.0x3e7d918a.0x7878787c_0x3eda38dc.0x7095d__ - Exploitability rank: 50
exception 0: WriteAV accessing 0x00cc0000
004fd19c 880416          mov     byte ptr [esi+edx],al      ds:0023:00cc0000=??
Code executing in: image00400000
exception 1: WriteAV accessing 0x7878787c   *** Byte pattern is in fuzzed file! ***
004022c2 894104          mov     dword ptr [ecx+4],eax ds:0023:7878787c=????????


Here we have a crash that is ranked as a 50. What makes this crash interesting is that we have a WriteAV exception, and the faulting address looks to be under our control (due to the 78's).  Let's look in Immunity Debugger:


Why does Microsoft !exploitable treat this as an UNKNOWN? Remember that the !exploitable visibility is limited to the current basic block. Specifically:


Code Block
300F57FD   . F646 06 04     TEST BYTE PTR DS:[ESI+6],4
300F5801   . 8B45 10        MOV EAX,DWORD PTR SS:[EBP+10]
300F5804   . 8975 F0        MOV DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-10],ESI
300F5807   . 8945 F4        MOV DWORD PTR SS:[EBP-C],EAX
300F580A   . 75 10          JNZ SHORT EXCEL.300F581C 



Well now this is interesting! We have an access violation on a CALL instruction. This is reported as PROBABLY_EXPLOITABLE by !exploitable:


Code Block
30ea6b1a ff10            call    dword ptr [eax]      ds:0023:00000000=????????
0:000> !exploitable
*** ERROR: Symbol file could not be found.  Defaulted to export symbols for Excel.EXE -
Exploitability Classification: PROBABLY_EXPLOITABLE
 Bug Title: Probably Exploitable - Read Access Violation on Control Flow
 starting at mso!Ordinal6543+0x0000000000001eda 
Access violations near null in control flow instructions are considered probably exploitable.


We'd like to do better than that, though. Use your favorite tracing techniques and determine how the EAX register is set before the CALL. Looking at the Excel code, we determine that EAX is populated by dereferencing the pointer specified by our original exception twice. By using a pointer-to-a-pointer memory location as our address, we can now demonstrate full control of the CALL instruction:


Jackpot! We've started with an UNKNOWN crash, and we now have a demonstrably EXPLOITABLE crash. All of this was made possible with the following two BFF options use together:

Code Block
    minimize: string
    keep_unique_faddr: True
